Ubuntu-US-NM Mythbuntu 7.10 Released
Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team
ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 27 16:47:56 BST 2007
I should mention that I have used the following...
Hanbrake was by far the fastest and had the best result. The only issue
that I've had was that some DVD's do not put the "main" movie in the
default "title" location. So sometimes you need to run...
/usr/bin/handbrakecli -i /path/to/dvd.iso -t 0
and this will list where the movie title is.
Eric Krieger wrote:
> I've ripped them to xvid using the linux version of Handbrake.
> http://handbrake.m0k.org/
> I use the i386 binary. It 's fast and excellent quality. I usually dd
> the DVD to an iso then run...
> /usr/bin/handbrakecli -i /path/to/dvd.iso -o
> /path/to/converted/movie.avi -e xvid -f avi -S 1700 -2 -E ac3
> If you have multi-core, dual processors, or even better multi-core
> multi processors handbrake will autodetect them and use them all to
> convert the video. Rather that iso the DVD handbrake can rip directly
> from the DVD.
> Eric
> Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team wrote:
>> Eric,
>> I remember you saying that you have ripped all of your DVDs. What video
>> format did you encode them into and what software did you use?
>> Typically, these video formats have multiple quality options. What
>> did you
>> use for your dvd ripping?
>> Thanks,
>> Chris.
>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 12:08:55PM -0600, Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team
>> wrote:
>>> I believe so. One of the issues that I've tried avoid with my setup was
>>> noise, and heat, from a PC while I watch or listen to my media. The
>>> only inexpensive way I found was not to have a PC near my A/V
>>> equipment.
>>> I'm a bit of an Audiophile so any noise that impedes full audio
>>> immersion would drive me crazy...crazier. =)
>>> I opted to go with a Buffalo Linktheater..
>>> http://www.antonline.com/p_PC-P3LWG-DVD-GA_172939.htm?gclid=CPSyi8uRrY8CFREDWAodlTI6Og
>>> ...and stream my media from my MythTV/Home Media Server using Wizd.
>>> http://wizd.sourceforge.net/
>>> If you do pick one do not use the on board wireless it's junk.
>>> To share the media to the BLT via Wizd is easy is just a matter of
>>> point
>>> it to your media...here's section of my Wizd conf file.
>>> alias DVD /media/dvd
>>> moviealias Movies /media/movies
>>> alias TV_XVID /media/tv
>>> alias TV_RAW /media/raw_tv
>>> musicalias Music /home/music
>>> photoalias Photos /media/photos
>>> Also the BTL support USB connections so you could connect a USB
>>> drive to
>>> it for play back. Mind you the USB drive has to be formatted as FAT32.
>>> Eric
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