Ubuntu-US-NM Linux as a Windows Replacment?

DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us
Fri Oct 19 14:42:23 BST 2007

Sure Linux can replace windows, it has for me. Eric's right some 
applications that are for windows will not work under Linux, but guess 
what some Linux applications will not work for Windows.
As for support I've said it time and time again, have you ever called 
Windows for support, no you call your computer guru buddy, at least with 
Linux you have more gurus to call on a.ka. the forums.

Eric Krieger <unmlobo at gmail.com> 
Sent by: ubuntu-us-nm-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
10/18/2007 05:05 AM

Ubuntu NM <Ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com>

Ubuntu-US-NM Linux as a Windows Replacment?

Alright, maybe I've read one to many articles with the title "Can Linux
Replace Windows?" I think that at this point many of you, if not all,
will say yes. That is if the Linux the user accepts that some
applications that where once used in Windows may not work at all under
Linux.  With that said I think the some key questions that none of the
hundreds of articles I've seen for and against have touched on is

So I throw these questions out to you all. 

1. Do you think that Linux is ready to support the tens, if not 100's,
of millions PC users switching to Linux? 

2. What support channels are need to be in place for the most basic of

3. What are your thoughts about mass adoption of Linux?  Will it change
Linux for the better?


- Eric 

Eric J. Krieger
email: unmlobo at gmail.com

Random Quote:

"The wonders of the ages assembled for
your edification, education, and 
enjoyment - for a price"
        -P.T. Barnum 

Thu Oct 18 04:51:18 MDT 2007 
04:51:18 up 11:04, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.02 
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