[Ubuntu-US-NM] Update: Endorphine Power

DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us DThomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us
Tue Nov 20 14:53:52 GMT 2007


Let me know if I can do anything to help. I'm going to be out of town till 
Tuesday of next week. As soon as you found out more info we can get things 
rolling. Again great work.

David Thomas
IT Specialist Manager
Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courts
401 Lomas NW
Albuquerque, NM 87103

dthomas at metrocourt.state.nm.us

E Cardiel <magonista66 at yahoo.com> 
Sent by: ubuntu-us-nm-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
11/19/2007 03:53 PM
Please respond to
Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team <ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com>

Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team <ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com>

Re: [Ubuntu-US-NM] Update: Endorphine Power

Hi Eric:

My office is in their building. Hopefully I'll be around when you come by.

Eric Krieger <unmlobo at gmail.com> wrote:
Sam from Endorphoine power has come by and picked up all 23 pc's and one 
PowerEdge 4400 server. I'll be going our to see their building 
tomorrow and to talk about what kind of things that NM LoCo can do to 
help them as well asl SAL's. 

More to follow.


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