[Ubuntu-US-NM] Blog software recommendations

IDernov at metrocourt.state.nm.us IDernov at metrocourt.state.nm.us
Mon Nov 19 14:44:51 GMT 2007

http://wordpress.org/ is the best for blogging :))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Best regards, 

Igor Dernov
Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court of New Mexico
IT Specialist Senior
Phone: 505.841.8120
Fax: 505.222.4824

Chris Brotherton <chris at protonlab.net> 
Sent by: ubuntu-us-nm-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
11/18/2007 10:03 AM
Please respond to
Ubuntu US-New Mexico Team <ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com>

Ubuntu-us-nm at lists.ubuntu.com

[Ubuntu-US-NM] Blog software recommendations

Can anyone recommend good blogging software?  I run my own server.  So I 
a lot of flexibility.

I would prefer something that can use either postgres or sqlite and 

I am already familiar with the two big players: s9y and wordpress.  I am
curious if there is other software out there that isn't as well known.


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