ubuntu-us-nj OT: FOSSCON Registration - Don't be shirtless!

Jim Fisher jedijf at myfisher.org
Mon Aug 6 11:33:06 UTC 2018

Today is the LAST day to guarantee you can get a shirt or hoodie. If you
want one, make sure you register today, and choose the friend or sponsor
level ticket. https://www.eventbee.com/v/fosscon2018#/tickets …
<https://t.co/m3FpOoY8yH> … to register!


*FOSSCON 2018*

FOSSCON 2018 is approaching, and we now have a venue and date for you! This
year FOSSCON will return to *International House Philadelphia
<http://ihousephilly.org/>* for a full day of talks, workshops, and
networking on *Saturday August 25th*. We look forward to seeing you there!

*Who Are We?*

FOSSCON is a Free and Open Source software conference held annually in
Philadelphia PA.
FOSSCON brings together users of Free and Open Source Software from a wide
variety of fields. Our attendees include students, systems and network
administrators, developers, executives, and more. Attendees come from
around the world to participate in talks, learn of new technologies, and
visit sponsors and FOSS projects represented in our exhibit area.

jim fisher

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
  --  Jedi Master Yoda
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