ubuntu-us-nj CPOSC Sat Oct 19th

Jim Fisher jedijf at myfisher.org
Sun Oct 13 15:23:10 UTC 2013

What is CPOSC?

The Central PA Open Source Conference (CPOSC) is a small, low-cost,
one-day conference about all things Open Source. It was started in
2008 by a few of the members of the Central PA Linux User Group and
the Central PA Ruby Meetup.
Will there be a CPOSC this year?

Oh, yes! CPOSC 2013 wil be held on Saturday October 19th, 2013! It
will be held at the IU13 Conference Center in Lancaster, PA.

More Info: http://cposc.org/

jim fisher

irc freenode  #ubuntu-us-pa

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
  --  Jedi Master Yoda

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