ubuntu-us-nj I need some geeks this weekend in Trenton (Moderately off topic)

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Tue Sep 21 21:52:42 BST 2010

A little off topic, but I can't think of a better source...

I need to do a bunch of network drops this weekend in Trenton.  Not 
looking for skilled people as much as some with a clue. :)  It is a 
bunch of drops and punch-down in new space.  (No nasty drop ceilings) 
And I can pay $11 and hour.  To keep in on topic, we can talk about how 
we are using ubuntu while we pull cable. :)  If you are interested, hit 
me on e-mail with a number to call tonight.  I need to give them names 
in the morning, or it goes to a temp agency. (Ick)


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