ubuntu-us-nj Last Chance to Join 40 Geeks at Picnic TOMORROW (Satuday)

David A. Harding dave at dtrt.org
Fri Sep 10 21:20:31 BST 2010

Fourty (!) geeks and their families have signed up for this year's
Philadelphia Geeknic! Please join us this Saturday from 2-6pm for food,
people, games, picnicking, and fun!

The weather is supposed to beautiful! "Sunny. Highs in the upper 70s.
North winds around 5 mph...becoming east in the afternoon."


Some attendees you might know:

  * From CHLUG: Joe Terranova, Christina Eater, and David A. Harding
  * From LUG/IP: John LeMasney
  * From NJ Ubuntu and Pennsylvania Ubuntu LoCos: too many to mention
  * Plus members of the Philadelphia LUG, the Long Island LUG, and
    several other geek clubs

Please come!  The event is FREE--you only need to bring food to share.

    Philadelphia Geeknic Picnic
    Saturday 11 September 2010
    Lower Perkiomen Park
    Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

    Google map:

Reservation appreciated:


Questions?  Feel free to email me, <mailto:dave at dtrt.org>.

We hope to see you there!


Help us advertise this event! The more the merrier! Pass this email to
anyone who might be interested. You can also post a message to Twitter:

    Please join me for food and fun at the Philadelphia Geeknic Picnic on 11 Sept 2010!  Details: http://geeknic.org/?p=120 #geeknic


David A. Harding	    Website:  http://dtrt.org/
1 (609) 997-0765	      Email:  dave at dtrt.org
			Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

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