ubuntu-us-nj Please RSVP -- Brian Quigley's Going Away Party

David A. Harding dave at dtrt.org
Thu May 7 18:39:04 BST 2009

Reminder: Bryan's going away party is this Sunday.

I don't really care about the reservation for the restaurant -- it
probably won't be hard to find tables on Sunday at 7PM, so you can show
up unannounced if you're too lazy to make a reservation.

But I'm buying Bryan's group gift certificate tomorrow afternoon at the
bank.  If you want to contribute, you need to contact me before Noon
tomorrow (Friday).  Here are the instructions I've been sending to

American Express Travelers Gift Certificate Instructions

    Please tell me which option you want to do:

    A) Buy your own gift certificate and give it to Bryan yourself. (You can
       buy cards at Wawa or CVS)

    B) Tell me the amount you want to contribute and pay me back at the
       party (cash, check, postal money order).  You can mail your
       contribution to me if you become unable to attend the party.
    C) Send the amount you want to contribute by PayPal to this email
       address, dave at dtrt.org. Every dollar I receive, minus the PayPal
       fees, will go towards the gift certificate.  (I'll round the total up
       to a nice even number, of course.)                                   
    Please tell me which option you choose.

The other party details follow.

See you Sunday,


On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 03:41:14PM -0400, David A. Harding wrote:
> Bryan is going to India for several months on May 13th to help a
> non-profit organization convert to Ubuntu.
> You are cordially invited to his going-away party at Vitarelli's
> Restaurant in Cherry Hill on Sunday, 10 May, at 19:00 (7 PM).
> Google Map:
>     http://tinyurl.com/cpakem
> Please email rsvp at dtrt.org by 23:59 Thursday the 7th with your name and
> the number of your guests so that I can make a reservation. I'll confirm
> your RSVP within 24 hours and send you a reminder Saturday afternoon.
> Suggested attire: "LUG presenter wear." Wear the classy, clean, but
> relaxed and possibly geeky clothes you'd wear if you were presenting
> to your local LUG. Extra credit will go to those who wear
> Ubuntu-themed attire.
> Bryan says, "please don't feel like gifts are necessary (I have limited
> items I can bring to India)," but I suggest you consider giving Bryan a
> $5-15 gift.  He's indicated that he needs a SecureDigital (SD) card with
> more than 4GB of space and a power adapter for his One-Laptop-Per-Child
> (OLPC) netbook.  
> Instead of an individual gift, you may indicate in your RSVP that you
> want to join the pool to buy Bryan an American Express Travelers Gift
> Certificate. If you so indicate, I'll send further instructions in my
> reply to your RSVP.
> There will be a group greeting card for you to sign at the party, but
> feel free to give Bryan a card just from you.
> If you know of anyone who should receive this invitation and doesn't
> read the Cherry Hill LUG or New Jersey Ubuntu Local Community mailing
> lists, please forward this email.
> If you have any questions, please reply to this email on-list or contact
> me directly by email, instant messenger, IRC, or phone.
> Hope to see you at Bryan's party,
> -Dave
> -- 
> David A. Harding	    Website:  http://dtrt.org/
> 1 (609) 997-0765	      Email:  dave at dtrt.org
> 			Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

David A. Harding	    Website:  http://dtrt.org/
1 (609) 997-0765	      Email:  dave at dtrt.org
			Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

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