ubuntu-us-nj Planning for "2 Parties 1 State" [BETA] -- The BBQ/LAN Party

David A. Harding dave at dtrt.org
Wed Jul 23 01:52:24 BST 2008

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 06:36:26PM -0400, Elizabeth Bevilacqua wrote:
> As mentioned in channel, I'm withdrawing my personal support and will
> not be attending unless you guys [choose another name].

As I mentioned in the channel, it's not a big deal.  We'll use another
name.  Of the names suggested previously, I most preffer "SubUrban
Terror" -- a reference to the game Urban Terror[1].  Is that name
acceptable to everyone?

	[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Terror


David A. Harding	    Website:  http://dtrt.org/
1 (609) 997-0765	      Email:  dave at dtrt.org
			Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

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