ubuntu-us-nj BBQ & LAN Party Location Poll

David A. Harding dave at dtrt.org
Tue Jul 8 18:05:15 BST 2008

On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 01:29:38PM -0400, David A. Harding wrote:
> On Tuesday, I'll make a Doodle.ch pool listing each potential location
> so we can find the most convenient locations.

How far will you travel to attend our Fall Barbecue and Local Area
Network (LAN) party[*]?  Will you travel to Cherry Hill in Southern New
Jersey, Butler in Northern New Jersey, or whichever?  Use the following
links to determine your distance and travel time:


Besides location, you also need to know when the party is and whether
it'll probably be fun enough to make the trip. I don't have those
answers; assume for this poll that the party will be a Saturday during
August or September and that it'll be our best BBQ or LAN Party yet.
Please vote if there's any chance you can attend; we won't hold your
vote against you if you don't attend.

Since your vote doesn't bind you, your votes also don't bind Joe (Cherry
Hill) or Dossy (Butler) into hosting the party.  We're making the poll
non-binding so we get the best information.  I've described how we might
use the information at the bottom of this email.

If you have any questions, please ask. Otherwise, please vote now at the
following URL. Your options are Cherry Hill, Butler, or both; if you
select both, you're saying you can attend a party at either location.
You have until Saturday morning to cast your vote.


Probable Outcomes and Suggestions
The poll has three probable outcomes: 

        1. everybody or almost everybody can attend a party at
           either location,

        2. almost everybody can only attend a party at one of the
           locations (for example: everybody votes for Cherry Hill), or

        3. there's a clear split between the people who can go to Cherry
           Hill and the people who can go Butler.

In the first two outcomes, we'll host the party at a single location.
In the first outcome, I suggest we try Dossy's house; in the second
outcome, we go to the recommended location.

In the third outcome, I suggest we try to hold two parties at the same
time -- one in Cherry Hill, one in Butler. We can simply get everyone
into the same IRC chatroom for a bit -- or we can geek out and try to
bridge the networks, setup some webcams, and hook-in a couple

Once I close the poll, I'll discuss these options with Joe and, as
appropriate, Dossy, and we'll decide what's possible.



[*] Bonus poll: think of a catchy name for the combination Fall BBQ &
    LAN Party; a few lame examples: GNU/Barbecue, NJLoCo's SubUrban
    Terror, LunchableLinux.  Entries must be received on this mailing
    list by Saturday morning.
David A. Harding            Website:  http://dtrt.org/
1 (609) 997-0765              Email:  dave at dtrt.org
                        Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

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