ubuntu-us-nj Date set for the Hackfest, CHLUG Meeting

n2vip at verizon.net n2vip at verizon.net
Mon Feb 4 02:30:32 GMT 2008

>From: Joe Terranova <joeterranova at gmail.com>
>Date: 2008/02/01 Fri PM 02:07:33 CST
	Mailing list for the Ubuntu New Jersey LoCo Team <ubuntu-us-
nj at lists.ubuntu.com>
>Subject: ubuntu-us-nj Date set for the Hackfest, CHLUG Meeting

As noted in Joe's email below, the date has been set for the hackfest, and I 
can confirm that I will be able to bring a number of Sun Ultra 2s for woring 
on the UltraSparc port of Ubuntu if there is any interest.

I think I'll have about 6 complete systems (w/o keyboard, mouse, or monitors) 
to work on Ubuntu Server software (test documentation, install procedures, 
etc.) and at the end of the night I'm happy to give those machines away to 
anyone interested in them.

To gauge interest, if you'd like one of the systems please drop me an email 
off-list and I'll confirm if I'll have something for you. I plan to build and 
test the systems, install an HD and (hopefully) 512 Meg of RAM. To work on the 
systems in Cherry Hill, you'll need to bring a null modem serial cable and 
some system to hook to the cable for use as a console (details can be 
provided). I can also bring a burned ISO of UltraSPARC Ubuntu Server 7.10 for 
each system, though we may want to set up an install server on site to speed 
up installs.

Sorry for rambling on, but I wanted to share enough information so that those 
who may be interested would be able to decide if they wanted to do this or 

Again, let me know if interested - I may also be able to get y hands on some 
other systems as well (other UltraSPARC systems) if interest outstrips my 
supply of Ultra 2s.

Ken Hansen
n2vip at verizon dot net

>Thanks to everyone that voted in our doodle poll about their
>availability. I'm setting the date for our hackfest to Saturday,
>February 23rd, from noon - midnight. The hours may change slightly,
>but the 23rd is the date for the hackfest. More information and signup
>forms forthcoming this weekend.
>Also, I know I suck at giving advanced notice on these, but tonight is
>the February CHLUG meeting. Dave Harding will be presenting on the
>GIMP, and David Bicking will be presenting his thoughts on the OLPC.
>The meeting is tonight, 7PM-9PM, at the Cherry Hill Public Library. I
>unfortunately won't be able to make, but it looks like it'll be a
>great meeting.
>Joe Terranova
>Ubuntu-us-nj mailing list
>Ubuntu-us-nj at lists.ubuntu.com
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