ubuntu-us-nj hi

Daniel Fernando Quiroga Saavedra dfqs.0408 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 05:58:02 BST 2008

a few days ago i wrote to this list because i need a person what can install
ubuntu in the laptop of a friend, she lives in st marys, (P.A) and her
university is in pittsburg (P.A) can someone help whit it, i am in colombia,
and cant do this i put her contact info:

his name in jennifer geyser
and her email is j020303g at edinboro.edu

please someone do it....

Yo he visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais..., naves de ataque ardiendo
sobre el hombro de Orión. He visto Rayos-C brillando en la oscuridad, cerca
de la puerta de Tannhäuser. Todos esos momentos... se perderán en el
tiempo... como lágrimas en la lluvia... Es hora de morir.
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