ubuntu-us-nj NJ Non-Profit To Give Away PCs w/ Ubuntu

brent saner brent.saner at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 17:18:32 BST 2008

Hash: RIPEMD160

Scott Sanicki wrote:
| My name is Scott Sanicki. As Director of Technology for a start-up
| in North Jersey I spearheaded a migration from Microsoft to Kubuntu
|  on about 100 PCs, both for office use and customer-facing. I am
| now starting a program at a local non-profit, the Rescue Mission of
|  Trenton, to accept donations of used PCs which we'll refurbish
| (using Ubuntu) and give freely to low-income individuals and the
| schools and organizations who serve them. Our primary region will
| be Mercer County, but I hope to expand statewide eventually.
| At this point we are still working out the logistics, but I wanted
| to reach out to the New Jersey Ubuntu LoCo early. Soon we will need
|  volunteers to help solicit equipment donations, assist with
| refurbishment and installation of Ubuntu on the donated equipment,
| and even training users and organizations. I hope the LoCo will be
| a good resource for us.
| I will post again when we have officially begun, but anyone
| interested in assisting us in any capacity is welcome to contact
| me.
| Thank you, Scott Sanicki
FWIW, the Ubuntu PA LoCo's NTR project team have been doing just this,
and have a LOT of helpful input, i'm sure.

- --
Brent Saner


Bill Gates is to hacking as Sid Vicious was to the Sex Pistols: no
talent, everyone hates him, and he's just in it for the fame and money.

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www.acetechgroup.com) <sanerb at acetechgroup.com>
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)


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