ubuntu-us-nj Ubucon install-fest

Christopher Ingram chlug at christopheringram.com
Fri May 25 01:58:40 BST 2007

Maybe we should have a mini LAN party during the install fest...

We can install Ubuntu for people (duh), show them a bit (e-mail, web  
browsing, quick text document and spread sheet), and for those who  
want it, move them off to a corner for a little game action. BZFlag,  
Nexuiz, PrBoom, Scorched 3D, Wesnoth are in Universe, and Quake 2 and  
Tremulos are in multiverse. (Does Quake2 in the repo do LAN plan w/  
the shareware data?) (Bla bla new users universe multiverse bla bla...)

It would be nice to show initiates what they can do, and that there  
are friendly people to pwn them, uhh... help them along the way.  
PLUS, it would be a good tickler for the upcoming LAN party. PLUS, if  
things are slow, we won't be bored :)

Of course, this works best if the LAN party is already planed and we  
can advertise it during the install fest.

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