ubuntu-us-nj Next Team Meeting

Joseph Terranova joeterranova at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 21:16:36 GMT 2007

Yes, these are important topics for discussion. If you think of a
topic that makes sense for the loco team, add it! Worst case, we won't
discuss it ;)

It is important to work with the NJ LUGs, but it's important that it
remain an alliance, not a merger. LUGs have different goals than LoCo
teams do, and as you can see by the log of that last meeting, things
can get easily side tracked when LUGs take the reins.

I'd be up for meeting up IRL (/besides/ an irc meeting, because not
everyone would be able to travel), but I'm just shy of the drinking
age ;)

On 1/23/07, Luis R. Rodriguez <mcgrof at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/22/07, yitzchak schwarz <s.y.schwarz at gmail.com> wrote:
> > is ubuntu promotion something suitable?
> >
> > how to explain to people.
> > how to get people to try it out.
> > how to increase awareness in public facilities like libraries.
> > fliers: should we give them out, and what should they say?
> > posters: should we put them up, where, legal problems such as littering,
> > what should they say?how about a library of ubuntu books that would be lent
> > to new converts from windows?
> > CD distribution policy: how do we try to get CD to potential converts?
> >
> > just tell me if this is good and if it is I'll post it on the wiki.
> Advocacy for users should be an important goal but besides promoting
> to the people I think we should start seeking ways to introduce Ubuntu
> desktop to local companies, local universities and local government
> branches as desktop replacements. For each of these we can try to come
> up with guidelines and packages to try to get a local advocate to help
> us with the movement.
> For example, for Universities we can coordinate installfests with the
> LUGs with tons of CDs, and if possible raffle a few shirts away. For
> companies we can try to highlight very specific reasons for why
> adopting Ubuntu is a good idea. We should also try to start taking
> into consideration local corporate concerns on adoption of Ubuntu and
> then reaching out to our development framework to address these
> concerns (LSB compliance comes to mind). Similar techniques can apply
> to local government branches.
> We tried to get NJ LUGs unified back a few years (njulugs.org) perhaps
> we can start helping with that to organize common interests on
> promoting and advancing linux throughout our state. Of course, the
> topic here is Ubuntu and promoting it but I'm sure the LUG's interests
> will generally parallel with Ubuntu advocacy and support efforts.
> Lastly and most importantly, lets meet up for beers.
>   Luis
> --
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