ubuntu-us-nj Cherry Hill Lib

Christopher Ingram chlug at christopheringram.com
Tue Apr 3 00:06:03 BST 2007

If the LoCo team thinks this is a good idea and will support it, let  
me know. I'll bring it up at the CHLUG meeting. Then I can try and  
get in touch with this person. Being an it consultant I hope I can  
carry some additional weight. No offense to anyone, but once you  
approach 30, college students look more and more like naive kids who  
aren't grounded in the real world, no matter how much they may be  
right. So when you guys talk to people you may want to leave the  
student part out :) You are just technical professionals and/or  
hobbyists :)

On Apr 2, 2007, at 6:50 PM, Bryan Quigley wrote:

> Indeed I have investigated this, they went on vacation right after  
> I asked and we never got back and touch. I just started working  
> full time in PA and prolli will not be able to teach any courses  
> weeknights.
> the person to contact is: KHardesty at chplnj.org
> On 4/2/07, Christopher Ingram < chlug at christopheringram.com> wrote:
> Check the URL:
> http://www.chplnj.org/rooms/portal/page/21628_Computer_Classes
> This is half directed at BQ. Has anyone asked to see if we can do one
> of these? This may be more of a LUG thing but damnit we can get some
> synergy! A beginners linux class twice a month or so would be awesome.
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