<div dir="ltr">Ok here's the status as I know it. Feel free to add or correct details<br><br><br>Between 9am and 10am tomorrow those who're part of the setup crew (you know who you are, hopefully) will be meeting at the State House Plaza, the sidewalk area in front of the State House.<br>
<br><br>Tables: We should have at least 2 tables, one brought by Ted, one brought by Broderick, if anyone else can bring one for a work table in the back that'd be great (Ben?)<br><br>Chairs: Broderick believes he can get many folding chairs. If anyone else can bring some for backup, that'd be great<br>
<br>Networking: I'm bringing a WRT54G (with OpenWRT) router plus a 8-port switch so we can build our own wifi intranet.<br><br>Power: We need outdoor-grade grounded extension cable, possibly duct tape, and more power taps. If everyone tries to bring one power strip we should be golden<br>
<br>OpenDiscs: Several people have potentially been burning these. Matt and Nikki purchased an epson printer that's been printing labels for them and will bring the printer to the site, a 50 spool of printable CDRs, and a 100 box of paper sleeves with clear front window, so we should be set.<br>
<br>OpenEducationDisc: No idea on the status of these, we can always "print on demand" provided either Ted or Broderick brings one as a master. The label artwork is on the cd as a .png<br><br>Ubuntu CDs: Our original box of Ubuntu CDs ended up in Austria due to an error at DHL - we figured this out in time for a replacement box to be shipped and we should be good to go. More may need to be printed on demand, we'll have all the equipment there to do so. We do not have a "NH Remix" version together, too little time given all of our other things going on this last week, we'll aim for an Intrepid remix instead.<br>
<br>Food: Ted - you're bringing doughnuts? Nikki and Matt are bringing OJ.<br><br>Banners: 2 GNHLUG banners are being brought by Bill and Ted<br><br>Stickers: We have a large amount of Ubuntu stickers. I also have some Firefox stickers from last year's SFD I'll try to remember.<br>
<br>Lit: Many people are bringing various lit for FSF, GNHLUG, and Ubuntu. We should be golden here.<br><br>TShirts: I believe all the SFD+Ubuntu tshirts have been claimed, we also have Software Freedom Day buttons and Ubuntu buttons for people wearing other shirts to wear.<br>
<br>Balloons: Bill said he'd try to bring a helium tank. If that falls through someone should bring the printed SFD balloons to a local flower shop.<br><br>"Booth Babes": We may actually have more women behind the tables than men, a great showing of gender neutrality. They're wearing many of the free tshirts.<br>
<br>Sleep: Something we all need, especially if you're reading this now at 12:10am and not thinking about how you're going to get up in the morning<br><br></div>