[NH LoCo] Software Freedom Day needs You!

Arc Riley arcriley at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 06:48:18 BST 2009

Hey everyone!

It's been a quiet summer for us.  Our team leader just moved to NYC, no
meetings, and not much traffic on the list.

Our big annual event is coming up and we need more volunteers for it.  In
contrast to last year, we're going to focus on diversity and small groups at
different tables.  Some ideas;

   - Firefox - spreadfirefox.com has all the lit you need, make a banner,
   maybe some costume
   - Edubuntu - a table specifically for Ubuntu for children and schools,
   perhaps with burned/printed CDs
   - OpenEducational - we have CDs filled with free software (firefox,
   openoffice, etc) for Window

Software Freedom Day 2009 - Saturday, September 19 - time TBD

New Hampshire Celebration in Pulaski Park, Manchester

Several tables will be setup in the park with literature, cds, banners,
balloons, etc.  Each table will have 1-3 volunteer team who decide how to
set it up and talk to people about their favorite app or group.

For example, a Spread Firefox (spreadfirefox.com) table could have the
standard lit on why Firefox is better than IE, talk about popular
extensions, and directing people to "getfirefox.com" to download Firefox
3.5.  Another table to distribute "OpenEducational" CDs and talk about free
software for windows, another specifically to talk about GNHLUG - the
chapters and SIGs, another just to hand out Ubuntu CDs, etc.

Of course, this is all fully cooperative - people may engage in the Firefox
table because they already use and love Firefox, then decide to check out
some of the other stuff going on.

We'll have as many tables as people want to organize and as volunteers are
available for.  If people want to hand out Fedora CDs or lit about what
makes Fedora a great choice, step up!  If you want to offer free Firefox
face painting for kids, awesome!  If you feel really passionately about The
GIMP or the Python language, get some lit together and come on down!

People "browse" tables at events like this, the more tables we have the more
time people will spend learning about free software.  When there's just one
table, people commonly talk to just one person and don't "get a feel" for
how big and vibrant the community we represent really is.

We'll likely get between 150 and 250 people through the day, no more than a
handful at a time.

If you want to volunteer, plop your contact info on
http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/northamerica/NH/Manchester and rally
some friends to sign up with you.
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