ubuntu-us-ne Command line utility of the month

Dave Thacker dthacker9 at cox.net
Sun Jan 6 21:40:44 GMT 2008

Tired of thinking up strong passwords?  apg to the rescue!  (a)utomated 
(p)assword (g)enerator will generate strong, but pronounceable passwords for 
you.  A default session looks like this:
dthacker at buckbeak:~$ apg

Please enter some random data (only first 8 are significant)
(eg. your old password):>
CifActAyp7 (Cif-Act-Ayp-SEVEN)
ViamLopUd5 (Viam-Lop-Ud-FIVE)
StosVolomic7 (Stos-Vol-om-ic-SEVEN)
CrewshOjrap3 (Crewsh-Oj-rap-THREE)
6OmtebFockri (SIX-Omt-eb-Fock-ri)
Pij4knewceg6 (Pij-FOUR-knew-ceg-SIX)

With command line switches, you can 
-set minimum or maximum length
-require or suggest that numbers be included
-require or suggest that special characters be included
-test generated passwords against a dictionary. 
-exclude certain characters

To install, simply sudo apt-get install apg.   


Dave Thacker
Admin, Ubuntu Nebraska Local Community Team

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