ubuntu-us-ne Fwd: US Teams Mentoring Project IRC Metting

Karin Dalziel karin at nirak.net
Fri Sep 14 14:03:54 BST 2007

Thanks for the update, Dave!

Sorry I couldn't make the chat last night- I have a lot of papers that are
due today. Ugh.

Update on getting the Ubuntu book in Lincoln Libraries:

The Ubuntu book is now available through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln-
it's showing up if you search at www.worldcat.org, but not if you search the
library catalog for some reason. I'll have to check why.

I'll update the Wiki this weekend.

I've had a couple of false starts with Lincoln City Libraries (and then
didn't have time to reset a meeting) but I'll try again soon.


On 9/14/07, Dave Thacker <dthacker9 at cox.net> wrote:
> In the past few weeks, there has been an ongoing discussion on whether US
> LoCo
> Teams should form non-profit corporations.  The LoCo leadership has
> discouraged this practice, citing concerns about diluting team resources
> and
> energies.  Many members of the larger teams feel that a non-profit is
> necessary to protect members from liability issues, and make it easier for
> the group to get acceptance in the community.   If you're interested in
> this
> issue, please see the announcement below.

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