[ubuntu-us-nc] introductory email

Daniel nix at tek12.com
Sat Dec 15 16:56:45 UTC 2012

Hi Tasha,

Nice to meet you... and welcome.

The Ubuntu-NC Loco is not nearly as active as it has been in the past. 
There are several General Linux groups in NC, where are you located I 
can send you info on their mailing lists?

There is a monthly LUG (linux users group) that meets in Asheville, I 
also get regular emails from the Tri-Lug that meets down in Raleigh. I 
haven't made it down to Raleigh yet. Neither of these LUGs are Ubuntu 
specific, though in Asheville Ubuntu is well represented.

I've seen a few emails about an Ubuntu Loco meet-up in Charlotte as well.


On 12/11/2012 04:35 PM, Tasha Six wrote:
> Hello, my name is Tasha. I have been using GNU/Linux for quite a few
> years, though Ive never contributed to it, and I am honestly not
> completely sure how I would go about doing that. So I figured I would
> join the Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Group. I don't really have any
> skills in any coding but would be interested in learning. I do like to
> beta test however and help fix issues and share my fixes / work-a-rounds
> with others. If anyone has any other questions or would like to help me
> find out what I can do to help don't be afraid to contact me. :)

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