[ubuntu-us-nc] Progress Report

markthecarp markthecarp at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 00:04:08 UTC 2011

Wow Yall I'm really disappointed.

I'm usually not a yeller screamer shouter type on the job; at my own
mistakes I'll cuss like crazy. At people that stand around and do
nothing if I have the authority I'll fire you. But this isn't a
construction jobsite.

All I'm trying to do here is hand over some things gracefully but if
there is no one to hand them to what should I do? I'll record a video
of me rolling a d6 to choose the team contact and post it to utube
because it seems the best way to proceed at the moment.

Down right shameful.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:11 PM, markthecarp <markthecarp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The IRC bit has been handled on IRC; imagine that.
> Now we need Team contact on
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-northcarolina . I'll admin each of
> you that expressed an interest on the team launchpad page.
> The team contact is the person that can get Canonical swag at release
> time. This only available if we are an approved team. We come up for
> reapproval in April of 2012.
> The team contact is also, well team contact. I'm going to set Mike
> Holstein and Dan (internalkernal) as admins for the Launchpad page.
> Jeff (dreadpiratejeff) I'm afraid I just don't know you. If you could
> tell us a little more about yourself... Amber is already an admin on
> LP and an OP on the IRC channel.
> The following happened on IRC today: it's logged and i'm too lazy atm
> to find out where the log is stored.
> <snip>
> <holstein> probably tweaked the naming
> <_marx_> yeah, meeting a naming convention
> <_marx_> my flags are different...+voOtsriRfAF
> <holstein> just the capital O
> <_marx_> yep, which i think auto ops me when i login
> <holstein> maybe
> <holstein> i dont know that flag
>>cs< info #ubuntu-us-nc
> <_marx_> cs nor ns work
>>chanserv< flags #ubuntu-us-nc mikeh789 +votsriRfAF
> -ChanServ- Flags +votsriRfAF were set on mikeh789 in #ubuntu-us-nc.
> <_marx_> holstein: see if you can op yourself now
>>chanserv< flags #ubuntu-us-nc holstein +votsriRfAF
> -ChanServ- Channel access to #ubuntu-us-nc for mikeh789 unchanged.
> * ChanServ gives channel operator status to holstein
> <holstein> :)
> * ChanServ removes channel operator status from holstein
> <holstein> _marx_: i say do the same for BugeyeD since he expressed interest
> <holstein> and akgraner too
> <holstein> only 4 'founders' allowed
> <holstein> so, if we need more ops, we can sort that out
> <_marx_>  akgraner is already an op but yeah
> <holstein> i say, just in case, go ahead and get 4 of us regulars
> large and in charge
> <holstein> that way, hopefully someone will be available for whatever
> might come up
> <_marx_>  BugeyeD akgraner and internalkernel
> <_marx_> some others around regular like too
> <_marx_> well if i stay in that's 2
> <holstein> yeah, you know better than me :)
> <holstein> theres room for 2 more
> <holstein> akgraner has ops, so maybe just add BugeyeD and internalkernel
> <_marx_> i'll go with that
> <_marx_> then copy and paste this to a team mailing list post
> <_marx_> BugeyeD: ^
> <_marx_> internalkernel: ^
> <holstein> sure
>>chanserv< flags #ubuntu-us-nc bugeyed +votsriRfAF
> -ChanServ- Flags +votsriRfAF were set on BugeyeD in #ubuntu-us-nc.
>>chanserv< flags #ubuntu-us-nc internalkernel +votsriRfAF
> -ChanServ- Flags +votsriRfAF were set on internalkernel in #ubuntu-us-nc.
>>chanserv< deop #ubuntu-us-nc
> * ChanServ removes channel operator status from _marx_
> </snip>
> Who wants team contact?
> In 48 hours I'll just roll the dice.
> -Mark

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