[ubuntu-us-nc] meeting this Saturday September 3rd at noon

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 00:58:22 UTC 2011

join us this Saturday September 3rd at Noon over at

*Agenda:* Amber Graner will present information on Ubuntu Friendly and walk
participants through the system testing application and see where users find
pain points, what the likes and dislikes as well as what users concerns are.
 We’ll also take a look at Unity and get user feed back on Oneiric. Of
course there will be time to discuss other Ubuntu related items and see what
users are saying about this new release.


*ALSO, Ubuntu Global Jam is this weekend!*


*"The Ubuntu Global Jam is an incredible opportunity for the Ubuntu
community to unite together around the weekend of 2 - 4 September 2011 to
work together to improve Ubuntu. Everyone is able to contribute to the Jam,
and everyone is welcome and encouraged to get involved. Curious about how to
make a real difference to Ubuntu? This is a great chance to make that



mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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