[ubuntu-us-nc] Compiz and 7.10

Ara Yapejian ayapejian at elitemail.org
Wed Jan 2 01:25:58 GMT 2008

The NVidia system is probably working correctly, you may just need to
enable the compiz cube plugin I'm guessing.  Install the compiz-manager
from the repositories and then fire it up and enable everything you need
to, including cube and rotate cube plugins.  The other system, onboard
video, I'm guessing has an intel based video system, lspci would show
... probably just need to install the correct intel drivers.

Melver C. Minton III wrote:
> Greetings again.  Thanks to all for the helpful suggestions.  I'll dig a
> bit deeper.  I'm actually running 7.10 on 2 different machines.  One has
> a MB based graphics and won't run any fancy desktop effects yet.  The
> other is using an Nvidia FX5500 card and the wobble works just not the
> cube yet.  I ended up using restricted drivers but don't seem to have
> any other problems.  I think part of my problem is I'm looking for
> things the same way I do in windows and I have to stop that habit.  
> I did go out a buy a book on Ubuntu today and I think that will help.
> I'll keep you posted on my results.  Taking baby steps is such fun.  
> PS.  I'm not a complete newbie,  I've been playing with fedora but after
> loading werewolf and spending hours figuring out how to get my printer
> to work and then seeing my son install 7.10 and setting up the printer
> (network) in less that 10 minutes I just had to switch.
> Later,
> Mel
> On Tue, 2008-01-01 at 19:25 -0500, Ara Yapejian wrote:
>> dido to Mark's comments, but also the output of 'glxinfo | grep vendor', 
>> and your xorg.conf would probably be useful.  I have quite a bit 
>> 'experience' with compiz on ati ... if you have ati, and are using the 
>> restricted drivers you will need to whitelist the 'fglrx' driver in 
>> '/usr/bin/compiz' and also comment out part of the file that sets the 
>> variable right under 'whitelist', can't remember details, if you have 
>> ati let me know and I'll get it for you.
>> markthecarp wrote:
>>> Melver C. Minton III wrote:
>>>> Greetings and Happy New Year.  Learning is such fun but sometimes the
>>>> frustration is a bit to much.  I've installed compiz and some of the
>>>> effects are working but I can't seem to find a reference on how to get
>>>> the cube going.  I've been searching the forums but can't seem to nail
>>>> down an answer.  Anyone out there that can help?
>>>> Mel
>>> Hey Mel,
>>> Welcome to Ubuntu and perhaps welcome to Linux as well (judging from
>>> your forum post).
>>> I have compiz working so I might be able to help. I've two questions:
>>> what video card/chipset do you have; and how many workspaces does the
>>> "Workspace Switcher" show? The default location of the "Workspace
>>> Switcher" is the lower right corner of your screen. The command "lspci |
>>> grep VGA" should give you information on your video card.
>>> -mark

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