[ubuntu-us-mn] booting Live Ubuntu w/o disk !

Fred H Olson fholson at cohousing.org
Sat Aug 23 13:04:56 UTC 2014

Thanks Greg (? gregrwm <ubuntu-us-mn at greatlakedata.com>, Whats your
real name? )

>well you can boot into something, that's a start.  with that i'd start
>looking and carefully prodding the grub config.  first thing i'd want to
>verify is that i understand which disk and which partition is controlling
>the bootup.  when booting can you catch control into grub before bootup
>proceeds, with either shift or v?  if not, can you successfully modify a
>grub.conf and make it stay in the menu rather than continuing boot?

I have no trouble to "catch control into grub" (if I understand what
that means) but not sure what to do from there to "prod the grub config".

I agree
> first thing i'd want to verify is that i understand which disk and
> which partition is controlling the bootup.

I wish there were a command like pwd "pwp" print working partition"...

I took your message to generally mean "suspect grub" and even more generally
suspect the boot process.

To cut a story very short, I found I can use <f12> to get into the bios
boot menu and pick the drive with Ubuntu 14.04 installed and got it to boot.

Without selecting that drive from the bios boot menu it still boots the
mysterious Live Ubuntu 13.10.

gotta run, off to the state fair today.


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
     Email:        fholson at cohousing.org      612-588-9532
My Link Pg: http://fholson.cohousing.org         My org:
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