[ubuntu-us-mn] KVM/QEMU @PenguinsUnbound September Meeting

Fred H Olson fholson at cohousing.org
Sat Sep 28 21:04:34 UTC 2013

On Sat, 28 Sep 2013, Richard Laager wrote:

> On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 02:45 -0500, Brian Dolan-Goecke wrote:
> > If you can't make it you can use this url to stream the meeting.
> > mms://rss2000.video.ties2.net:1800
> >
> > You should be able to connect with either:
> > mplayer mms://rss2000.video.ties2.net:1800
> > or
> > vlc http://rss2000.video.ties2.net:1800
> The meeting is happening now, right? I'm not able to stream. I get
> connection refused. (I'm also in IRC in #ubuntu-us-mn on FreeNode.)

No help with the real time problem but I was at the meeting and the
meeting was not streamed.  We were in a different room in the other
building to the west on the second floor.  Maybe the streaming equipment
could not be easily used there.

Maybe the quote from the announcement is standard text that got included
despite the change in room or the room change was after the announcement.

--- Penguins Unbound meeting changes ---

While I am writing there was some news...

Brian has left employment with Ties where the meetings have been held
for the last several years.  Brian will be reducing his role in
organizing the meetings tho he will still be around.  Not being
employed at Ties would complicate holding meetings there.
There may be other Ties staff that could arrange to have the
meetings there.  (As I recall Ties requires a staff person present
at the meeting. )

So there is a need for other people to help keep the meetings
happening.  We could meet elsewhere.

Brian got a well deserved big round of applause for his efforts
over the years.  Thank you Brian.

Meetings thru the end of the year are expected to take place as usual.
Watch for announcements.

As long as we are rethinking the meetings, I would like to try to integrate
more of an online component , followup, whatever.  Maybe by trying harder to
get meeting attendees to be subscribed to and use this list.


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
     Email:        fholson at cohousing.org      612-588-9532
My Link Pg: http://fholson.cohousing.org         My org:
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