[ubuntu-us-mn] Home Media @Penguins Unbound July 17th

Brian Dolan-Goecke BrianDG at Goecke-Dolan.com
Wed Jul 24 08:39:10 UTC 2013

The July PenguinsUnbound.com meeting will be
Saturday July 27th at TIES,
1667 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55108
from 10:00am to 12:00pm
(See the web site http://www.penguinsunbound.com for directions and more

This month at the Penguins Unbound Meeting Brian Dolan-Goecke will talk 
about Home Media!

Tools and applications you can use to manage and watch content at home 
over your TV!

Some topics I will cover

     Build a MythTV Server
     Add additional Script
     Configure MiniDLNA server
     And the view the content over the network
     Vortex Box

Hope to see you there.


If you can't make it you can use this url to stream the meeting.

You should be able to connect with either:
mplayer mms://rss2000.video.ties2.net:1800
vlc http://rss2000.video.ties2.net:1800

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