[ubuntu-us-mn] *Saturday* Open Q&A Penguins Unbound Meeting January29, 2011

Brian Dolan-Goecke briandg at Goecke-Dolan.com
Fri Jan 28 17:55:19 UTC 2011

Sorry to bother you all again, but the TC-LUG list seems to be broken. 
unfourtinaly it means I am not able to communicate about tomorrows 
meeting to a lot of people. So I am asking, if you know someone that 
might be interested, please forward this email, or drop them a note to 
let them know the meeting is still going on.


Here is the last meeting announce ment.....(again)

This months PenguinsUnbound.com meeting will be
Saturday January 29th at TIES,
at 1667 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55108
from 10:00am to 12:00pm
(See the web site http://www.penguinsunbound.com for directions and more

This month we will have a Open Q&A!
Show up with your questions and we will try and get them answered.

We may try and connect up with the Ubuntu User Days
( I believe we could join the discussion on,
Tips and tricks for multi-booters
Inkscape Introduction )

I will look at some disk recovery tools in Ubuntu if people are interested

Hope to see you there.


If you can't make it you can use this url to stream the meeting.

I was able to connect to this stream with mplayer on Ubuntu 10.04, here
is the command I used:
mplayer mms://rss2000.video.ties2.net:1800

I have heard that this url,
works with VLC. (Thanks Neal!)


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