[ubuntu-us-mn] Help! need a copy of sessionrc.txt in Gimp

tpkyteroo luebeck tp.game.s at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 17:54:38 BST 2010

Just trust. I need a copy of sessionrc.txt for gimp because I could not
delete the file so that Gimp would remake the file. I am on a stupid Mac! :P
I was attempting to get the tool box to show properly and NOT have the
stupid right hand corner out of reach way below the dock. I couldn't adjust
it. Manual changing file did not work. so, deleted all contents within file,
that did not work so well either because now no dialogues show up on the
tool box. :P mac does NOT allow me to view Gimp folders and simply DELETE
files. I am banned from that due to idiotic Mac programming. I can not wait
to get my Ubuntu working again.

And, deleting gimp and reinstalling does NOT work because GIMP insists on
SAVING the sessionrc.txt file permanently on the Mac. :P


TPKyteroo jaunting off to the Galactic Trig...

http://www.globalwritersclub.com (under construction, but some things up.)
http://www.tpgames.net (The Tomorrow People Themed)
http://www.tpgames.net/gaming/lotr/2/game.html (Lord of the Rings Themed)

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