[ubuntu-us-mn] Chrome on 10.04 mac thru Ubuntu question

tpkyteroo luebeck tp.game.s at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 17:43:51 BST 2010

If I were on a NON-Intel Mac, 10.04 that does NOT work with Chrome, can I
use an Ubuntu disc, and boot with it in order to Use Chrome on a
non-supported Mac? And, if this might work, then does anyone have a Ubuntu
disc  I can have? We've not been too successful in burning a disc with my
sister's Vista PC.

TPKyteroo jaunting off to the Galactic Trig...

http://www.globalwritersclub.com (under construction, but some things up.)
http://www.tpgames.net (The Tomorrow People Themed)
http://www.tpgames.net/gaming/lotr/2/game.html (Lord of the Rings Themed)

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