[ubuntu-us-mn] LDAP and Radius at Penguins Unbound Meeting Saturday June 26th

Brian Dolan-Goecke BrianDG at Goecke-Dolan.com
Fri Jun 25 11:45:55 BST 2010

This months PenguinsUnbound.com meeting will be
Saturday June 26st at TIES,
1667 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55108
from 10:00am to 12:00pm
(See the web site http://www.penguinsunbound.com for directions and more

The meeting will be about LDAP + Radius + WPA

Loren Cahlander will talk about
     * Installing OpenLDAP (Under Ubuntu 10.0.4 server)
     * Initial configuration of OpenLDAP
     * Installing a web-based administration tool
     * Configuring Apache2 to use LDAP for authentication.

I will talk a about what TIES Technical Services have done
with LDAP and Radius.

And I hope to have some talk about Radius and WPA

Hope to see you there!


BTW.  I need a speaker for July, if you have something you would be
willing to share, please let me know.  Thanks.

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