[ubuntu-us-mn] Ubuntu software question

tpkyteroo luebeck tp.game.s at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 15:36:43 BST 2010

Anyone know of a free software that has various Frames that can be attached
to Images? I'm not talking about Slideshows, photo viewing software. What I
want is something that does with Jasc Paint Shop Pro did. You could go to
Frames, select one and attach it to a picture. You could repeat that process
and put another frame around the framed picture. This is a feature I need. I
use this feature when making Memory cards. But, as I do not have a PC
anymore and can't find a freeware  thing that does that on a Mac. :P I'm
wondering if anyone made something like this for Ubuntu? Jasc, btw, had a
quick key short cut and automatically applied the last frame chosen. This
was a huge time saver!


TPKyteroo jaunting off to the Galactic Trig...

http://www.globalwritersclub.com (under construction, but some things up.)
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