[ubuntu-us-mn] Fwd: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released

Richard Laager rlaager at wiktel.com
Fri Apr 30 04:24:02 BST 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 21:09 -0500, Jeff Nelson wrote:
> Problem: .iso downloads fast using BitTorrent. Upgrades go very slow,
> especially now. I'd like to figure out a way to make upgrades go faster.
> For example, is there a local mirror I could point the upgrade at?

Try something like this:
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.bak
sed -i s/us.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror.cs.umn.edu/ /etc/apt/sources.list

The UMN mirror is never slower for me and it's MUCH faster around
release time. I'm a bit paranoid, so I actually specify both
mirror.cs.umn.edu and us.archive.ubuntu.com. Apt prefers by version
first then by the order of mirrors in the sources list. So by putting
both, I end up getting downloads from the UMN mirror while ensuring that
if something were to go wrong there, I'd always get the latest packages
from the official URL. The downside of listing both is that you have to
download the package lists from both places. Given that I've never had
problems with the UMN mirror and it's been at least a year, it's
probably time that I can start trusting it.

> Or is there a way to upgrade from a live distribution .iso? It would go faster
> if I could point at my own local .deb packages in the .iso, if I knew how.

Yes. Loopback-mount the .iso and add it to /etc/apt/sources.list using
apt-cdrom. I've never tested this. The following link might be helpful:

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