[ubuntu-us-mn] * Saturday * LDAP @ PenguinsUnbound Linux Meeting September 26th 2009

Brian Dolan-Goecke BrianDG at Goecke-Dolan.com
Fri Sep 25 08:21:11 BST 2009

This months PenguinsUnbound.com meeting will be
Saturday September 26th at TIES,
1667 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55108
from 10:00 am to 12:00pm
(See the web site http://www.penguinsunbound.com for directions and more

At this month the Penguins Unbound Meeting I will be talking about
Lightweight Directory Authentication Protocol (LDAP).

What is LDAP ? What can it be used fore ?

LDAP can be used as a central User Credential database.  That will allow 
you to connect different services, like Routers, Email Servers, Unix 
Servers, Firewalls, Webpages (apache) and more to the Central LDAP 
server then you can have all your password (credentials) managed by this 
LDAP server.  Giving you the ability to use the same password 
(credentials) across these different services, and allow you to change 
the password in one location and have it changed across all these 
services at once.
(LDAP is the bases for both Microsoft's Active Directory, and for 
Novells Enterprise users management tools).

I will discuss what it is, what it does, and its history.  Then we will
take a look at OpenLDAP and how to configure and connect to it and some
tools to manage it.


Hope to see you there.


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