[ubuntu-us-mn] File based app execution

Fred H Olson fholson at cohousing.org
Tue Sep 8 13:09:54 BST 2009

On Tue, 8 Sep 2009, Tony Yarusso wrote:

> gnome-open is of course great, but if you're looking to do it in a way
> independent of gnome tools completely it should still be possible, but
> more work.  The 'file' command can usually be used to get the file
> type in a human-readable format, and it has a --mime option, but
> that's not in the same format as defaults.list either, so I'm not sure
> what you'd have to do there.  If you can get something that would
> output that you could just match it up in an array read from that
> file.  (Reading the source of gnome-open may be instructive of
> course.)

Gnome-open seems to do just what I wanted.
I was not aware of it.

A few excerpts from it's man page in case others are unfamiliar with it.

Gnome-open ... opens files using GNOME's file handlers.

   Open a web page
              gnome-open ubuntu.com

       Open an OpenOffice.org document
              gnome-open Spinach.odf

       Open a directory in Nautilus
              gnome-open ~

       Send an e-mail
              gnome-open mailto:ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com


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Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
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