[ubuntu-us-mn] ubuntu-us-mn Digest, Vol 27, Issue 2

jay curry rusty0101 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 02:44:03 GMT 2009

I have space, but not a lot of upstream bandwidth at the moment. I could
host a mirror for the supported architectures on a system that can be
brought to events etc, and would be set up to update the mirror nightly. If
that is of interest to you, let me know. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
I'm in downtown Minneapolis after 6:00 pm or I can meet to hand off the
device pretty much anyplace otherwise.

If that would be useful or otherwise of interest, let me know. I am
considering a revision to my internet situation, so I may be able to set up
a better upstream availability as well.


> Subject: [ubuntu-us-mn] What architectures do you run?
> To: Ubuntu Minnesota List <ubuntu-us-mn at lists.ubuntu.com
> >
> Message-ID:
>        <254fef0f0911181913g56bfd48fy73475ee34864926c at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> So as many of you know I had a repository mirror at the last Twin
> Cities release party.  That mirror had both the supported
> architectures (i386 and amd64) as well as a number of ports (lpia,
> powerpc, and sparc).  Sadly, I didn't collect stats during that event.
>  Having the extra architectures uses a fair bit of disk space and
> download bandwidth, so, my question is:
> Does anyone in this group actually use an unsupported architecture
> such as lpia, sparc, powerpc, or ia64?
> If not, or if it's a pretty tiny number of people (as I suspect), I'll
> probably skip mirroring those in the future.
>  - Tony Yarusso
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