[ubuntu-us-mn] libnotify + java

Jonathon Jongsma jonathon at quotidian.org
Wed Feb 25 19:58:43 GMT 2009

Colin Harrington wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've been using mumbles <http://www.mumbles-project.org/> as an 
> alternative notification system for a little while now, since I've been 
> able to get the new notification system working well enough in 8.10 
> <http://lifehacker.com/5158563/get-ubuntus-new-notifications-in-your-system-now>, 
> I'd like to use it instead of mumbles. 
> I have the 'notify-send' command from libnotify, but I'd like to be able 
> to communicate directly from it from within a Java app (Grails/Groovy)
> Can someone point me in the right direction for a Java API / wrapper for 
> interacting with libnotify?
> I've found
> http://gaim-libnotify.sourceforge.net/ and 
> http://ruby-libnotify.rubyforge.org/, but nothing yet on the JVM,  Is 
> this hidden somewhere?
> Thank you
> Colin Harrington

libnotify is just a convenience C library for using the notification D-Bus API.  You 
should be able to use the D-Bus API directly (I assume there is a java D-Bus binding).  I 
believe the D-Bus API is specified here: 


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