[ubuntu-us-mn] Fw: UG News--We're looking for your stories on building community
Tony Yarusso
tonyyarusso at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 05:44:53 GMT 2009
As many of you know, Jono Bacon is the Ubuntu Community Manager. What you may not have known is that he's writing a book. So, if you have stories about community (Ubuntu or otherwise), let Jono and Marsee know!
----- Original message -----
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
Sent: Thu, 12 Feb 2009, 17:49:38 CST
To: tonyyarusso at ubuntu.com
Subject: UG News--We're looking for your stories on building community
Hi there,
We're working on a new book called the "The Art Of Community: The Book
On Building Community" by author Jono Bacon and we need your help.
Get your community featured in The Art Of Community!
As part of Jono's aim to use stories and anecdotes to illustrate the
concepts in the book, he is looking for your great stories of community
building. He has gathered content from a range of contributors including
Jeremy Allison (Samba), Chris Messina (SpreadFirefox), Leslie Hawthorn
(Google), Paul Hudson (Linux Format Magazine), Mike Linksvayer (Creative
Commons), Cristina Verduzco (SPCA), Ton Roosendaal (Blender) and many
Jono explains:
"Hi everyone! I am really excited about making The Art Of Community a
diverse, wide-ranging guide to building strong community. I am really
excited about hearing community stories from a range of areas, inside
and outside of Open Source, Technology and Media. If you have
interesting (and possibly amusing) stories that you feel illustrate
interesting examples of building processes, setting up infrastructure,
creating buzz and excitement, managing conflict, organizing events,
communicating effectively, scaling up community, measuring your work or
anything else, I would love to hear your story. Simply send me an email
to jono at jonobacon.org with a short Bio of yourself and your story. If it
fits well in the book, I will be sure to add it. Thanks everyone!"
So there you have it: get your community featured in the hot new
community book from Jono Bacon. Jono is busily writing, so send your
stories in as soon as possible!
Related Links:
* Art Of Community website - http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/
* Twitter Updates - http://www.twitter.com/jonobacon
* identi.ca Updates - http://identi.ca/jonobacon
* Art Of Community Facebook Page -
* Jono Bacon's Website - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Read on for more information about the book--
Every software project, online site, or company has to manage the
community of interested people surrounding it. The community is the
source of new ideas, a reliable support network, and the best marketing
tool. When money is tight, making the best use of the community is even
more critical.
Author Jono Bacon <http://www.jonobacon.org/> has been building and
managing communities for over a decade, particularly in areas of Open
Source software such as KDE and Ubuntu. He is currently Community
Manager for Ubuntu, probably the largest community in the Open Source
software area. His experience and his relationships with other
communities and leaders provide a rich and deep well of expertise for
this book.
In The Art of Community youll experience the broad range of talents
required to recruit members, motivate them, manage them, and make them
happy to be part of your community, online or otherwise. Bacon takes you
through the different stages of community and covers the information
youll need, ranging from software tools to conflict resolution skills.
The Art Of Community underlines and illustrates this large body of
knowledge with a compendium of stories, anecdotes and tales that bring
the concepts to life. Bacons amusing and witty writing style makes the
Art Of Community a fun read that is sure to help you build strong,
effective and engaging communities.
As Bacon writes The Art Of Community, a new community is gathering
around the book at <http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/> where he is
regularly providing writing updates, sneak peeks of the content, news
and discussion about building strong community.
The Art Of Community will be published by O'Reilly and also available
online under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial ShareAlike license.
Thanks for your help!
Marsee Henon
UG Manager
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
800-998-9938, 707-827-7103
marsee at oreilly.com
Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/OReillyMedia
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