Hello everyone,<br><br>Judging from this map:<br><br><a href="http://salgat.googlepages.com/ubuntumaps.html">http://salgat.googlepages.com/ubuntumaps.html</a><br><br>It looks like the best place for us to have a meeting to get the majority of people to attend would be a Western suburb of Detroit. I know this is going to disappoint the people on the west side of the state, and some in the middle. But to get the highest number possible for a first meeting I think this is best. This is not the place the meeting will be every time, so do not worry.
<br><br>Now, unfortunately I probably can't make the best decision of where in that area to have the meeting. For those of you that do not know, I moved here in the middle of June, I live in Ann Arbor, and the furthest East I have gone is the Airport.
<br><br>So this is where I ask everyone for their suggestions. I am looking for a good compromise of a classroom at a college and a noisy bar. Since this is the first meeting we want to have fun, meet everyone, go over what we want to accomplish as a team. We don't need to sit down and do bug triaging/patching. We also don't need to be drunk within 10 minutes, maybe 30.
<br><br>If you haven't added your name/zip code to that map please email me. <br><br>But most importantly, share your ideas of where we should go.<br><br><br>Thanks everyone,<br><br>Greg<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>If you take a step towards Freedom, It'll take two towards you.