[ubuntu-us-mi] Ubuntu Michigan LoCo meetup is about to start
Unkle Bonehead
unklebonehead at pm.me
Sun Aug 25 17:47:14 UTC 2024
The Ubuntu Michigan LoCo meetup is about to begin. It's just a hang out to get to know everybody. So join in when you can.
Here is the JitsiMeet info if you need it.
Unkle Bonehead is inviting you to a meeting.
Join the meeting:
To join by phone instead, tap this: +1.512.647.1431,,3920734299#
Looking for a different dial-in number?
See meeting dial-in numbers: https://meet.jit.si/static/dialInInfo.html?room=ExtensiveSpoonsSpeedSolely
If also dialing-in through a room phone, join without connecting to audio: https://meet.jit.si/ExtensiveSpoonsSpeedSolely#config.startSilent=true
Ryan Ridenour
aka Unkle Bonehead
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