[ubuntu-us-mi] Package Updates on Ubuntu

Craig Maloney craig at decafbad.net
Wed Oct 26 21:00:17 UTC 2022

* Justin Macauley (macauley.justin.c at gmail.com) wrote:
> Hi there,
> Python 3.11 has just released. I did a apt package manager update on my
> distro 20.10 and nothing was updated on my distro to the current release of
> the Python Programming Laungage. How long does it typically take for a new
> apt package update to be updated on Ubuntu typically after a new release of
> software? Thanks.

Hi Justin,

Generally speaking there aren't updates for the Python versions that
ship with an Ubuntu release. That said if you want to update to Python
3.11 you should check out the "Dead Snakes" PPA:


Note that these are built for the LTS releases so I'm not sure if
they'll install on 20.10 (which isn't an LTS release and is
end-of-life). You'll likely want to upgrade to a later LTS like 22.04.

Hope this helps!

  Craig Maloney  (craig at decafbad.net)  http://decafbad.net

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