[ubuntu-us-mi] Knoppix-like recovery with Ubuntu?

Robert Citek robert.citek at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 14:51:56 UTC 2014

Thanks, Scott,

Here's what I normally do to install/repair an Ubuntu server:

1) download ISO image
2) burn CD or 'dd' to USB stick
3) boot from CD/USB stick
4) install/repair system
5) eject CD/USB stick
6) reboot into system

The above instructions also work in a VM (e.g. VirtualBox) where I
"attach" the ISO as a virtual CD-ROM.

Thinking I would try out the process in a VM before attempting this in
the data center, I downloaded the cloud image
to my local system.  However, when I attempt to use the image in a VM
as an attached CR-ROM, VirtualBox refuses to attach it.  This is
understandable as it is not an ISO image, but a disk image.  I was
able to attach it as a hard disk, but it would not boot.  VBox
complained with "no bootable medium found."

Although the concept sounds intriguing, I think I'm missing the
step(s) on how to use this disk image to help me install or repair a

- Robert

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 5:42 AM, Scott Moser <smoser at brickies.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Sep 2014, Robert Citek wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> A few nice features of Knoppix are that it has bash, fdisk/parted, LVM
>> utilities, and an ssh service.  In this way I can boot to a live CD via a
>> limited KVM, start ssh, then ssh to the system to work on recovering a
>> broken Ubuntu server system with LVM.
>> I tried to do the same using the rescue mode on the server CD but without
>> success. Is there a way to do what I do with Knoppix, but using an Ubuntu
>> CD?  Perhaps the alternate CD?
> I'd recommend using the cloud images.
> They're pretty much perfect for this task.
> download the ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img image from
>   http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04/release/
> Follow
> http://ubuntu-smoser.blogspot.com/2013/02/using-ubuntu-cloud-images-without-cloud.html
> You'll just want to also attach your other disks, and then log in and do
> whatever you want.
> (As an aside, you may want to just *start* from those imgaes in the future
> and avoid installs entirely).
> Scott
>> Regards,
>>  - Robert
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