[ubuntu-us-mi] using Ubuntu (was: Meeting tonight)

Amy rpgirl1981 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 17:43:52 UTC 2014


Wasn't there a problem with WoW and D3 awhile ago wherein Wine users were
booted off and had their accounts frozen because it looked like they were
cheating?  Either way, I'm not going to risk it and I'll keep using Win7
for it.  Borderlands 2 is supposed to be an awesome game... I know a couple
of guild-mates that quit WoW for a bit to play that.  :)  I'm hoping Steam
gets it right as well.  Blizzard can learn a couple lessons from them!

Kevin, you are probably right, but I sometimes feel silly with all my
devices.  I really need that t-shirt from Questionable Content that says
"My vices are devices".


That is awesome.  I tried to convert my Mom to Kubuntu but she didn't like
it and wanted windows.  *sigh*  So, she has my old laptop and with a OEM
copy of Windows 7 on it for her and my brother and I keep it up to date and
cleaned off for her.

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:58 PM, mr havenstance <havenstance at spockclan.com>wrote:

>  Amy,
> WoW does run with Wine, not the best it runs at poor graphics but you can
> turn your view distance up to make up for most of the loss if your only on
> windows for WoW. I myself had been running only Linux and managed to get
> wow working quite well out of the box with Playonlinux. however I couldn't
> manage to figure out how to compile my own version with Wine. I really only
> went back to windows with a Ubuntu VM because I needed to be able to get my
> Borderlands 2 fix and I couldn't pull that off on Linux. I don't know how
> anyone managed to install it with steam on Ubuntu. Though I'd love to have
> a platform that made it possible to run both games natively whether it be
> Linux based or Windows based, unfortunately I just don't see that happening
> any time soon. Hopefully though with this new SteamOS Steam figures it out.
> Cuz the performance benefit I managed to get out of Ubuntu was nothing
> short of amazing.
> Hope it helps-
> Cliff
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* rpgirl1981 at gmail.com
> *Sent:* Sun, 05 Jan 2014 20:43:31 -0500
> *To:* ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
> *Subject:* Re: [ubuntu-us-mi] using Ubuntu (was: Meeting tonight)
> I dual boot because I get better performance with video games (WoW and D3
> mostly) when it's installed straight to the disk.
> I've done the "only Ubuntu" and while it works, I like playing some games
> that just don't work on Linux.  If Blizzard would allow it to be run with
> Wine or offer a version for Linux then I'd probably kill my Windows
> partition.  As it stands, I'm a 5 OS household: Ubuntu, Windows 7, OSX,
> Android, and IOS (ipod).  Oh and ChromeOS on the Chromebook but I doubt we
> can count that as an OS because it's just a browser.
> I think I have too many devices.  :)
> Amy
> Robert Citek wrote:
> "along with Windows 7" -- do you mean in a VM or dual boot, or something
> else?
> Regards,
> - Robert
> On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Amy<rpgirl1981 at gmail.com><rpgirl1981 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I'm running it on my main desktop along with Windows 7.  Just general Unity
> and I'm not sure if I'm going to switch but I say that every time a new
> version comes out.  :-P
> On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Robert Citek<robert.citek at gmail.com><robert.citek at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Craig Maloney<craig at decafbad.net><craig at decafbad.net>
> wrote:
> 1) Not a whole lot going on at the moment related to the loco and ...
> Which makes me wonder, what are people doing with Ubuntu these days?
> Personally, I'm mostly doing server stuff, mostly in the cloud or on
> remote servers.
> Regards,
> - Robert
>   Robert Citek <robert.citek at gmail.com>
>  January 5, 2014 6:03 PM
> "along with Windows 7" -- do you mean in a VM or dual boot, or something
> else?
> Regards,
> - Robert
>   Amy <rpgirl1981 at gmail.com>
>  January 5, 2014 5:13 PM
> I'm running it on my main desktop along with Windows 7.  Just general
> Unity and I'm not sure if I'm going to switch but I say that every time a
> new version comes out.  :-P
> --
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>    Robert Citek <robert.citek at gmail.com>
>  January 5, 2014 2:14 PM
> Which makes me wonder, what are people doing with Ubuntu these days?
> Personally, I'm mostly doing server stuff, mostly in the cloud or on
> remote servers.
> Regards,
> - Robert
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Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati.  (When all else fails, play dead.) -Possum
Lodge Motto

Do you do Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com>?
About.me <http://about.me/gamerchick02>
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