[ubuntu-us-mi] Upcoming events: Global Jam and Release Party

Craig Maloney craig at decafbad.net
Fri Feb 17 19:09:11 UTC 2012

* Ben Rousch (brousch at gmail.com) wrote:
> Canonical was talking about doing away with CD-size installs. Has that
> happened this cycle? If so, what size flash drive do we need?
I'd say 1GB should suffice. If I think about it beforehand, I may pick
up some of them over at Microcenter. I don't think they're that
expensive anymore.

  Craig Maloney  (craig at decafbad.net)        http://decafbad.net
    "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
     wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo

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