[ubuntu-us-mi] Thanks for coming out!

Greg Grossmeier greg at grossmeier.net
Fri Apr 2 16:53:20 BST 2010

<quoting name="Robert Citek" date="2010-04-02" time="05:08:58 -0400">
> Release party where and when?

We were thinking of doing a release party at Penguicon, at least for the 

For the west-coasters, obviously Penguicon isn't as convenient for you, 
and there was already discussion of a house-party release-party with some 
home-brew; rock it! Let me know if you have something set 
(date/time/location) and I'll blog it on Planet Ubuntu 
(planet.ubuntu.com) when I blog the east-coast party.



|       Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |

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