Welcome to Portland

Andrew Constantine andrew.m.constantine at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 14:28:05 UTC 2011

Well I still use 10.10 for the multi monitor support :)

Andrew Constantine
andrew.m.constantine at gmail.com
Twitter: @AndrewMC6

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 20, 2011, at 9:52, Eric Wentworth <fred_sambo at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I am a baker, I can bring treats to the party!  I am still using 10.04!  :-P
> Andrew Constantine wrote:
>> Hmm maybe for 12.04, but we could get together and have a bug squishing day or something
>> From,
>> Andrew Constantine
>> andrew.m.constantine at gmail.com <mailto:andrew.m.constantine at gmail.com>
>> Twitter: @AndrewMC6
>> http://andrewmc.net
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 20, 2011, at 9:44, Maciej Lecki <mlecki at cisco.com <mailto:mlecki at cisco.com>> wrote:
>>> +1 for a release party! Would be great!
>>> Best,
>>> Maciej
>>> On 10/20/11 9:38 AM, "Andrew Constantine" <andrew.m.constantine at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>    I would like to have a release party but I never held one because
>>>    there was never anyone around, I live in Windham. But I suppose
>>>    we could even hold a Launchpad meet-up at some point.
>>>    From,
>>>    Andrew Constantine
>>>    andrew.m.constantine at gmail.com
>>>    Twitter: @AndrewMC6
>>>    http://andrewmc.net
>>>    Sent from my iPhone
>>>    On Oct 20, 2011, at 8:20, Andreas Loppnow
>>>    <aloppnow at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>        Hello Elliot,
>>>        welcome to Portland, Maine.
>>>        You should have waited with your move until the Winter in New
>>>        England is over ;-)
>>>        I moved to Portland last summer from Germany.
>>>        I'm using Ubuntu since a couple of years and did a little
>>>        Translation work for groundcontrol.
>>>        It is cool to have a Canonical Employee so close ;-)
>>>        I don't think that there is a planned Party for Ubuntu 11.10,
>>>        or i missed the Announcement.
>>>        Have fun in Portland.
>>>        Andreas
>>>        aloppnow at gmail.com
>>>        www.andreas-loppnow.de <http://www.andreas-loppnow.de>
>>>        <http://www.andreas-loppnow.de>
>>>        On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 8:00 AM,
>>>         <ubuntu-us-me-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>>            Send Ubuntu-us-me mailing list submissions to
>>>                    ubuntu-us-me at lists.ubuntu.com
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>>>                               https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-me
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>>>                    ubuntu-us-me-request at lists.ubuntu.com
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>>>                    ubuntu-us-me-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>            When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is
>>>            more specific
>>>            than "Re: Contents of Ubuntu-us-me digest..."
>>>            Today's Topics:
>>>               1. Introducing Elliot Murphy (Elliot Murphy)
>>>            ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>            Message: 1
>>>            Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2011 17:00:29 -0400
>>>            From: Elliot Murphy <elliot at canonical.com>
>>>            To: ubuntu-us-me at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>            Subject: Introducing Elliot Murphy
>>>            Message-ID:
>>>                               <CAG4=7q3zteLzGHPOTa_TCeYmxWdC3FKjjtV_wbUSHkD=zZFyPg at mail.gmail.com>
>>>            Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>>>            Hi!
>>>            Just a quick note to introduce myself:
>>>            I'm Elliot Murphy, and I just moved from Cocoa, FL to
>>>            Portland, ME
>>>            with my wife and daughter. I've been an Ubuntu user for a
>>>            long time,
>>>            and for the last 5 years have worked at Canonical in various
>>>            capacities. Currently I'm an Ubuntu MOTU developer (wish
>>>            I had more
>>>            time for code), and I run Core Development & Operations
>>>            worldwide for
>>>            Canonical (our data centers, online operations, IT
>>>            department, and
>>>            developer tools departments). Previously I was a founding
>>>            member of
>>>            the Ubuntu Florida loco team, and am looking forward to
>>>            meeting folks
>>>            here.  When I'm in town I'll be working from a rented desk at
>>>            http://pelotonlabsportland.com/, and am always happy to
>>>            meet other
>>>            Ubuntu users and advocates.
>>>            Is there any sort of release party planned for 11.10?
>>>            --
>>>            Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~statik/
>>>            <https://launchpad.net/%7Estatik/>
>>>            <https://launchpad.net/%7Estatik/>
>>>            ------------------------------
>>>            --
>>>            Ubuntu-us-me mailing list
>>>            Ubuntu-us-me at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>            Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>>>            https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-me
>>>            End of Ubuntu-us-me Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
>>>            ***************************************
> --
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