Introduction thread

Clay Weber claydoh at
Sat Aug 28 21:13:27 BST 2010

Hello fellow Mainers!

A brief bit about me:

I am 44, and live in Brewer, next door to Bangor.

I am a manager at one of our local Wendy's restaurants.

My wife and I have a cat and 3 dogs, the Mrs works at the Bangor Humane 
Society and 2 of our dogs are competitors in the sport called Flyball, our 
other pooch is a retired dog Agility competitor.

I have been using Linux since 2000 (we got our first computer in '98), and I 
decided to go whole-hawg in 2002, and have not looked back since. My first 
full-time distro was Lycoris, one of the pioneers of the single-cd so-called 
"beginners" distro, but it was more of a "let's make an easy to use installer 
that puts a simplified set of tools and apps we think are a great base to get 
started" sort of thing.

After they were bought out by Mandrake (now Mandriva) around 2005, I looked 
around and discovered Ubuntu. Well, rather I discovered the KDE version that 
wasn't yet an official variant: Kubuntu.

As a decidedly KDE-centic guy, I naturally found Kubuntu to my liking as it 
was closest to what Lycoris was striving for at the time: a tweaked and 
somewhat simplified KDE desktop with some of the defaults made more more 
sensible (at least to me). I pretty much have been there ever since. I am an 
official Kubuntu "member", and I do some work on the wikis, release notes and 
the like. I am a moderator on the official Kubuntu users' mailing list as well 

I consider myself a normal user, perhaps a slightly advanced one in some eyes, 
as I prefer the GUI over command-line for most things but am not afraid of the 
cli one bit and do use it often where I think it is easier.

I run Linux on 3 computers: 2 7-year old laptops running Kubuntu, and a 
homebrew dual-core AMD desktop dual booting Kubuntu and Ubuntu.

Clay Weber 

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