
Eric Henderson hndrsnrc at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 22:32:15 UTC 2022

Ron, et. al.,

Thanks for your service to the group.

I've attended maybe two or three meetings virtually since I signed up.  The
lack of my participation is not from lack of interest, but more from lack
of time... that's on me and my failure to plan ahead.

I think a return to in person meetings would be a plus.  I signed up just a
Covid started so I've not been able to meet folks face to face.   I'm
grateful for tools like Zoom, but it's not the same as in person meets.
Hopefully the Covid insanity will be a thing of the past soon and in person
meetings will be safe for all...

The listed suggestions are all good ones, especially good security
practices, proper use of password managers, two-factor authentication,
router firmware updates, etc.   In addition, I would add some newbie stuff
for us recent Windows converts, such as how to add additional drives to a
computer and the file menu, file structure basics, data backup, Timeshift,
etc.    Also, alternatives to living in the Google universe, and how to get
there, would be a good topic as well.

My wife and I gave up Windows about 2 years ago, we're both PopOS users
(Ubuntu based), and we've not used a Windows based computer since for
personal or business use.

Best regards,

Eric Henderson
*"There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary
and those that don't."*

On Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 3:56 PM Ron Swift <rswift at swiftstaffing.com> wrote:

> I announced today my intention to step down after 9 years as the leader of
> the group.
> I want to thank everyone who has participated in our group meetings,
> discussions and presentations.
> Those that were present today indicated an interest in continuing the
> group with possibly a slightly different focus, namely:
> More discussion of open-source programs that run on Linux, Windows and IOS
> systems.
> An emphasis on security to protect systems and devices that are connected
> to the Internet.
> To look at returning to in-person meetings along with a virtual component.
> What are your thoughts on the continuation of our group, its focus and
> would you be interested in leading the group.
> I plan to help with the transition to a new leader if the consensus is
> that we continue the group.
> Please respond, your opinion matters.
> Thanks
> Ron Swift
> President
> 410-788-7011
> -------------------------
> Celebrating 32 years in business, 1989 - Present
> "Staffing, IT Services and Web Development"
> Certified Minority Business Enterprise by the State of MD (MDOT) and
> Baltimore City
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