Fwd: [CALUG] April CALUG Meeting Annoucement — Command Line Basics
Ron Swift
rswift at swiftstaffing.com
Sun Apr 5 12:24:28 UTC 2020
This weeks CALUG meeting will be virtual using Zoom.
Chuck Frain is giving a presentation on Basic Commands Used on a Regular Basis.
Please feel free to join in.
Ron Swift
Celebrating 31 years in business, 1989 - Present
"Staffing, IT Services and Web Development"
Certified Minority Business Enterprise by the State of MD (MDOT) and Baltimore City
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Chuck Frain" <chuck at chuckfrain.net>
To: "Calug" <calug at unknownlamer.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2020 8:42:23 PM
Subject: [CALUG] April CALUG Meeting Annoucement — Command Line Basics
Greetings All,
For the April 8, 2020 CALUG meeting we will have a presentation from Chuck Frain on Command Line Basics.
This talk will cover some of the basic commands that are used on a regular basis. These will include navigation and file manipulation tools. No command will be covered in depth, but the concept of each will be conveyed. The presentation has been written with input from both experienced and new Linux users. If you have a command or concept that you would like to see covered please drop Chuck an email at linux at chuckfrain.net and he’ll see if he can work it into the talk.
For the obvious reasons, we are going to be holding the meeting online for the foreseeable future. We will be returning to UMBC Training Centers when possible. For now, our friends at Aplura have graciously provided us access to their Zoom for our use. I intend to open the call at 6:30pm and start the presentation at 7pm. There is a password to join the meeting which is in the details that follow here. When joining participants will be muted and video disabled by default. For audio, you may join using your computer’s audio or the provided dial-in number.
Aplura LLC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CALUG Meeting
Time: Apr 8, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://zoom.us/meeting/upIpdeqsrzwrreqEGLku08seabtT4UX47Q/ics?icsToken=98tyKu6uqjkpHtWSsVzHe7YtE53-bOH2kGNLu4Z6sBTwU3hAZwL0ItYWB4orR-mB
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 764 234 171
Password: calugusers
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Meeting ID: 764 234 171
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab20ubHSVX
(Unless there are strong objections, I will be recording the meeting to my local machine for my own use)
We are looking for speakers for the upcoming months. If you have a topic you would like to present on, please let me know and I’ll get you scheduled.
Chuck Frain
GPG Key: B2420431
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